Now for something a bit more serious.
What games do I play? A lot, actually... but to list some, I would say
Favorite board game: RISK (play this on board, computer, and Playstation)
Favorite video game: Metal Gear Solid series
Favorite CCG: Magic (slivers! yeee-ahh!)
Favorite computer game: Starcraft
Favorite roleplaying: Shadowrun
40K: Tau (primary) and Tyranids; talk about a difference in strategy!
Warmachine: Skorne (HORDES set)
Favorite game experience: One? There's just too many; I'll talk about them in the seperate forums, how about that?
Favorite game system: Heroscape
Favorite gaming quote: (while playing Magic) "okay, my slivers are now 12/14 with flying and can't be targeted by your spells OR blocked. Your turn."